So, if not Television, have you considered my friend: the Movies?
We're talking about game changers here, things that impacted their area so greatly, that the "game" has been played differently ever since. In Movies there are a number of classics that still fit the bill. "Citizen Kane" is still probably the greatest example. It absolutely transformed how people made movies in a way that most modern movie-goers rarely realize. But, there are many others. "Psycho" was a huge game changer, if for no other reason, than that Hitchcock killed the "lead" in the first 1/3 of the movie. Nobody did that! It was revolutionary. "Star Wars" changed movies for better, and worse, by becoming a global phenomenon.
The latest, and most obvious example, is "Avatar". After it came out it was loved by many and dismissed by others. I heard often that it was a pretty picture, but with no substance. Well, to each his own, but it would be foolish to not see "Avatar" as the game changer that I think it will be. James Cameron went all in on the art of 3-D movie making, and he showed what was possible if you did it intentionally, artistically, and not just for lame effects. Much like Color movies ended the era of Black and White, "Avatar" throws down the gauntlet to modern 2-D movies and says, "Yeah, but can you do this?" Will it affect all movies to come in the future? It remains to be seen. But it's very possible all of us are in the middle of a game change for movies, like it or not.
Anybody see where this is going in relation to the Church, yet?
Don't go to Church, Be the Church
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