I've been thinking about this image a lot lately. A Game changer. Something that comes along, and just profoundly affects things so much that it affects how the "game" is played from then on out. It's often hard to see a Game changer for what it is at the time. It's usually only after years have passed that we're able to see with hindsight just how affecting a particular event/thing/moment can be. But they happen, probably more often than we realize.
So, I thought I'd talk about a few, and see if we can get a little feedback in the process. Most of these will start out not having much to do with the church, but that's where this is leading so follow me until we get there, won't you?
Those of you who know me well know I've got a love of entertainment, so I had a hard time deciding between Movies or TV to begin with. But, I'm choosing TV, because I'm hoping to see a game changing movie in the next day or so.
Anyway, TV gamechangers: Think about how MTV has completely transformed how music is packaged and "sold" in the world. Think about how ESPN has completely changed how whole sports are played. Basketball is a lesser sport for me year after year, and I think ESPN shares a great deal of the blame for that. Guys play to be on a highlight reel, they don't play to win. As networks I can't think of two greater examples that have changed the "games" they market to than those.
As to TV shows, "Hill Street Blues" is still probably the biggest game changer affecting television drama today. Nobody, and I mean nobody, was doing multi-arc, large cast television before Hill Street Blues went on the air. Nobody moved between workplace and home life like they did. Every drama on television today pulls from HSB more than we often realize. And for Comedies, I've got to say "Who's the Boss." No, I'm kidding. For comedies I think the game changer that influences the game more than any other was NBC's Thursday night comedy night starting with "The Cosby Show" and "Family Ties" o' so many years ago. That night dominated television for years, and as much as every quirky comedy today claims they're happy with their niche audience, everybody secretly wants the universal acclaim that Bill Cosby and Michael J Fox had for that run.
So, what do you think? Am I on to something here? Do you see TV game changers that I've missed? Art you interested in where this continues to go from here?
Don't go to Church, Be the Church
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