So, there are game changers every where we go in life. We see them a lot in entertainment. But do we see them in our workplaces? Do we see them in our churches? Some are pretty obvious. Email was a total game changer for work and social interaction. Texting has done the same thing. What's next for your workplace?
In a church setting this is a harder one to define. There are some pretty obvious game changers in our history. Martin Luther and the Reformation stands out. But you could easily put the Pentecostal movement begun in Azusa and the Vatican II document from the Catholic church in the same category. All three of those events affected churches all over the world, they changed how we are/become churches.
Some of you have heard me argue that I think one of the more recent examples of this is Willow Creek in Chicago. Not so much in how they became a mega-church, but in the Willow Creek Association they helped form. That has really put the era of "denominations" on notice, and will produce great lasting change for how churches relate and work together for years to come.
The thing about each of these church game changers, is that, eventually, every church had to change because of them. It always hasn't been willingly. In fact, sometimes the change is to compete against the change movement coming their way (you see this particularly with the Pentecostal movement of the early 1900's.) But, no church can ignore game changers forever. They eventually have to respond.
I bring this up, because I think we're in a time where a lot of different people are seeing a lot of different game changers in the church world. We get pushed to react to all kinds of events because they are touted as being the next big game changer and it demands our response and attention. In my career alone I've seen game changers touted like: The end of Denominations, the Alpha movement, The Social Justice Gospel emphasis, A return to liturgy, Contemporary Christian Music, House churches, Emergent churches, Online churches, Mega churches, and more all get mentioned as the next thing that will restore/destroy church as we know it.
Perhaps in no other field than the church are we both so fearful of game changers, and willing to see them everywhere we look.
So, what do we do with that? I certainly don't know. But I would preach caution. I would guess most things don't end up becoming the game changers we think that they will. And if we trust the Holy Spirit, and are listening to Him, He will direct us to the ones we need to see, and help us determine how we can transform accordingly. There are game changers happening for our church right now, I do believe that. But I also believe God will show us how to change for His glory and His gain if we ask Him.
Don't go to Church, Be the Church.
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