This is one of those things that no one likes to hear when it's happening, but I'm absolutely convinced it's true.
We learn much more from our failures than we do from our successes. Would you agree? I think about the many times I've failed at something, and my learning curve from those times is much, much higher than in the times when I got every thing right. That was true in all of my relationships. I'm a much better husband today because of my abysmal track record at being a boyfriend (thank to all my Ex's by the way :) ) I'm a better Pastor because of my mistakes made at other churches (Thanks to all my former parishoners.) I just think we see the truth of this across the board in our lives.
So, why do we celebrate success and hide from failure? If it's about learning, and growing and improving, and all that, is success really something to celebrate?
I mean, it is, of course. But, I worry that we celebrate our successes at the expense of 'celebrating' our failures too. If we're going to lift up the one, I'm thinking we should lift up the other as well. And, since we all fail (quite often for some of us) wouldn't it be nice to see that in a better light?
Just a random Tuesday thought.
Don't go to Church, Be the Church!
The January 2010 issue of Wired Magazine featured several case studies on learning and becoming more successful from failure, featuring Alec Baldwin. A good read if you have time.
ReplyDeleteThanks, that'd be interesting indeed.