Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The story of Job

In our Wednesday morning Bible Study we've been looking at Job for the last several weeks, and it's such a great story to read again. For those of you who haven't spent much time there, Job is probably the main story in the Bible that deals with the question: Why does God allow suffering? Or even better: Why do bad things happen to good people? If you've ever had that question yourself, and I think all of us have, Job gives some interesting answers. Actually, Job doesn't, God Himself does in the final 4 chapters. Now, they aren't necessarily the answers we're looking for, but they are His answers so you know they're good. It's a similar idea to what the book, The Shack, tries to do with some success as well. It's a pretty universal struggle, and it's one of those things that keeps a lot of people we all know at arm's length from God's love and forgiveness. I'm not going to try and paraphrase God's own words, but the next time you ask one of those questions, consider my friend Job. And perhaps read the last couple of chapters for yourself.
If you've got any specific questions that come from this idea I'd be happy to try and answer them in the comments section. Hope you're all having a great day!


  1. Thanks for this post. I love these mini Bible studies since I can't seem to make to a more organized session and am not a good study on my own. :)
