Monday, May 11, 2009

A Day Off

So, for those of you at church yesterday, you know I had something of a day off. Several months ago, I really felt God nudging me that it would be nice to have an actual Mom give the sermon on Mother's Day. I don't know if anyone else thinks that's a big deal or not, but it seemed like a good idea to me. So, Dana seemed like the right person to ask, and I'd said she did a spectacular job when all was said and done. On a somewhat related note, the timing might have felt a bit funny, since I had just taken several weeks "off" for our trip to China. But, I'm still really glad Dana was our preacher yesterday. She provided an insight into scripture that was very interesting. And on a day when we celebrate the strength and gifts of Moms, it was wonderful to see a Mom share some gifts she probably doesn't get to pull out too often in her daily life. Besides, you guys hear me enough the rest of the year, don't ya? It was a good day.
After that, I tried to give Sarah the day off by cooking and stuff at home. It all turned out okay, but there was a moment when I was trying to set the table, grill the burgers, and heat up the French Fries, and I thought my head was going to explode. I don't know how ya'll (meaning the ladies in the group) do it. I'm glad I only have to cook once a year.
Right, honey?


  1. hey bill -- okay, i'm here, where's my wine??

    (and you can keep the 8x10...!)

  2. I'm drinking your wine right now. Oh wait, is that not what you meant?
