Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday Weather

As it appears it's going to be another fabulous week, it reminded me of something we Pastors talk about with church: The perfect Sunday weather. You see, if it's too nice on Sunday morning, people wake up and decide not to come to church. The decide on a picnic, or a bike ride, or a BBQ instead. But, if they wake up and it's too cold, snowy, or rainy, then they also decide not to come to church. They just roll over in bed and worship at St. Mattress for the morning. So, perfect Sunday weather seems to be cool, but not cold. Cloudy, but not rainy (except over all the golf courses.) And, the Seahawks and the Sounders need to play the late game as well. :) Fortunately, in Washington state, we seem to have an abundance of this so-called perfect weather. Still, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not!

We'll see you at church (depending on the weather of course!)


Friday, September 18, 2009

When will the Blog return

What a great weekend this last week. Energy at church was high, lots of familiar faces (notice I didn't say old faces) and a lot of new ones as well. In Minnesota we would have called last week: 'Jesus comes back from the lake' weekend. Out in the midwest it seems everybody has a cabin, and so all Summer long people are off at the lake and don't seem to come to church much. We'll have to come up with a similar idea for us Western Washington types. Jesus climbs down the mountain? Jesus gets in out of the rain? Suggestions please.
Anyway, it was a great week. And we look forward to seeing you all again on Sunday!

Pastor Bill