Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Big Gap

So sorry I've been gone for so long! This has been a very busy summer. Much busier than normal in the church I would say. Still, I'm just making excuses. If any of you are still reading this, I apologize for being quite tardy in a new post. I thought I'd get a brief one out today. We're right in the middle of Vacation Bible Surf here at church and it's going very well. We have almost 120 kids! What a blessing. We had a great story come out of Bible Study yesterday. One of our leaders asked his small group of kids what they had learned about Jesus today. And the child responded that he knew, even with everything else he learned about Jesus, "He still dies at the end. I saw the movie." Out of the mouth of babes, right! Well, to put a theological spin on it, Thank God that Jesus dies on our behalf. And Thank God that He rises again! Have a great day.

Pastor Bill

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes kids say the most unexpected things. Yesterday, we made a Jesus character out of marshmallows. One of the little girls was commenting how weird is was to have Jesus stuck in her teeth.
