Thursday, June 18, 2009

Extra Prayers

So, this has been on my mind a fair amount lately. School's almost out. Yeah! But then again, yikes! See, the thing about kids home all summer is that the prayer level needs to ratchet up a few notches. Parents, especially stay-at-home moms, need a lot more prayers for patience and peace. Kids need a lot of prayers for protection. And, my biggest concern is often our 11-15 year old crowd. That's a tough time to have a lot of time on your hands. You're too old to just be a kid, but you're not old enough to have a job and a license. So, you end up with lots of opportunity and potential to do dumb and dangerous things. Yeah, I'm speaking from experience here. so, if you get a chance today, so a few extra prayers as the kids start coming home. We could all use it :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I work with this age group at the junior high. Boy, do these beautiful, full of energy kids need our extra prayers
