So, for those of you who weren't at the 10:30 service on Sunday, you missed the coolest thing ever. We had a real live bird in the Sanctuary. It wasn't planned, that way, but how can you argue with live animals, right? About 3 or 4 minutes into my sermon I saw a bird lift up into the air in the back of the Sanctuary. It was so surprising I stopped and said something (don't even know what) which caused much confusion for the congregation because they were all looking at me, and didn't see the bird at the back of the church. Until the bird flew to the front of the church and then everyone did a collective "ooh, aah.". It was a riot. Well, then the bird got obviously scared and went to the big windows on the west side of the sanctuary and smacked right into them. So, it turned around and flew right at the windows on the east side of the sanctuary and smacked into those. At this point the poor little bird was stunned and barely flapping it's wings. So, Trisha (Bird-Whisperer) came up to it, carefully picked the bird up and carried it to the side door and let it go. It was crazy. No one will remember my sermon from yesterday, but everyone will remember that bird. What a Sunday. Bet you can't wait to see what happens next week!
Pastor Bill
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
So, if you were in church this last weekend you heard me introduce our book of the Summer: Ephesians. And, you heard me make the case that I believe Paul is the actual author of Ephesians, an opinion not held by all Christian scholars. So, what's the deal?
First, let me say that those who doubt the authorship of Ephesians and other letters attributed to Paul in the New Testament are still usually Christian. It is possible to disagree on this, and other issues regarding the Bible, and still see each other as Christian. Sometimes the views are too divergent, but simple authorship over books I don't feel is one of them. After all, God is the author of it all, so the earthly author doesn't matter quite as much.
However, with all of that said, I do think Paul is the author. Why is the question even raised? For some good reasons actually. Many early manuscripts we have of this letter don't even include the words "in Ephesus" in verse 1 of chapter 1. This actually plays to my belief that this was a circuit letter, meant to be read by various churches. But wait, there's more.
The big reason people doubt this letter (and a few others) to be actual Paul is in the differences. When you compare the phrases, and even the Greek language, used in Ephesians with that in Romans, or 1 Corinthians, or Philippians (books just about everybody agrees were written by Paul) there are subtle differences. Paul emphasizes words or phrases in some letters that he doesn't emphasize in Ephesians. And then, again, there is the lack of personal references in Ephesians, which can seem unusual for a place he spent so much time in.
So, what do you think? I've got some ideas, but I'd thought I'd start with all of you. Got any opinions on Ephesians, and why it may sound a little different from other letters? Does it matter to you if Paul is the actual author, or rather it was a Christian Disciple influenced by Paul who wrote this many years later? The floor is yours.
Pastor Bill
First, let me say that those who doubt the authorship of Ephesians and other letters attributed to Paul in the New Testament are still usually Christian. It is possible to disagree on this, and other issues regarding the Bible, and still see each other as Christian. Sometimes the views are too divergent, but simple authorship over books I don't feel is one of them. After all, God is the author of it all, so the earthly author doesn't matter quite as much.
However, with all of that said, I do think Paul is the author. Why is the question even raised? For some good reasons actually. Many early manuscripts we have of this letter don't even include the words "in Ephesus" in verse 1 of chapter 1. This actually plays to my belief that this was a circuit letter, meant to be read by various churches. But wait, there's more.
The big reason people doubt this letter (and a few others) to be actual Paul is in the differences. When you compare the phrases, and even the Greek language, used in Ephesians with that in Romans, or 1 Corinthians, or Philippians (books just about everybody agrees were written by Paul) there are subtle differences. Paul emphasizes words or phrases in some letters that he doesn't emphasize in Ephesians. And then, again, there is the lack of personal references in Ephesians, which can seem unusual for a place he spent so much time in.
So, what do you think? I've got some ideas, but I'd thought I'd start with all of you. Got any opinions on Ephesians, and why it may sound a little different from other letters? Does it matter to you if Paul is the actual author, or rather it was a Christian Disciple influenced by Paul who wrote this many years later? The floor is yours.
Pastor Bill
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Extra Prayers

So, this has been on my mind a fair amount lately. School's almost out. Yeah! But then again, yikes! See, the thing about kids home all summer is that the prayer level needs to ratchet up a few notches. Parents, especially stay-at-home moms, need a lot more prayers for patience and peace. Kids need a lot of prayers for protection. And, my biggest concern is often our 11-15 year old crowd. That's a tough time to have a lot of time on your hands. You're too old to just be a kid, but you're not old enough to have a job and a license. So, you end up with lots of opportunity and potential to do dumb and dangerous things. Yeah, I'm speaking from experience here. so, if you get a chance today, so a few extra prayers as the kids start coming home. We could all use it :)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A tale of two Funerals
Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted anything. It's been kind of a tough week for a variety of reasons. Two of those reasons are that I had the honor of participating in a funeral last Wednesday, as well as one again today. Last week I officiated at a funeral for a wonderful, dear lady that I had got to know in my role as Pastor for the last few years. She was over 90 years old, had a wonderful family, and believed strongly in Jesus. I think most of us wouldn't mind going out that way.
Today I had the chance to speak at the funeral of a good friend of mine, Jerry. Jerry was just over 40 and is survived by his wonderful bride and 3 amazing, young kids. And Jerry also believed strongly in Jesus.
Being a Pastor I've helped in a lot of funerals, and it is always a humbling honor to do so. But the one for Jerry today was pretty hard. I was his pastor for a long time, but really I was more his friend. And his is the kind of story where it's easy to get mad at God at how unfair life can be sometimes.
But Jerry just wouldn't allow that. Jerry loved Jesus too much. His concern wasn't on squeezing out a few more years here, because he knew that he has and eternity with Jesus in heaven. And although he has to wait for his wife and kids to join him, it will be in the blink of an eye before they're all reunited as a family. They trust and hope in that promise, and so do I. It's what allowed Jerry to live his life to the full, even though it wasn't nearly long enough (in my opinion).
So, today I am reminded that our lives in this place are varied, and wonderful, and they are hard and difficult. There is joy and there is sorrow. But whatever comes, however many years we have, we are reminded that this world is not our home. My two friends Lilllian and Jerry are two of the newest residents of our true home that awaits us in heaven. I'm sure they're having a wonderful time already. And I too will have to wait patiently until I get to see them both again. But I will praise Jesus for that promise offered to me, and to you.
Pastor Bill
Today I had the chance to speak at the funeral of a good friend of mine, Jerry. Jerry was just over 40 and is survived by his wonderful bride and 3 amazing, young kids. And Jerry also believed strongly in Jesus.
Being a Pastor I've helped in a lot of funerals, and it is always a humbling honor to do so. But the one for Jerry today was pretty hard. I was his pastor for a long time, but really I was more his friend. And his is the kind of story where it's easy to get mad at God at how unfair life can be sometimes.
But Jerry just wouldn't allow that. Jerry loved Jesus too much. His concern wasn't on squeezing out a few more years here, because he knew that he has and eternity with Jesus in heaven. And although he has to wait for his wife and kids to join him, it will be in the blink of an eye before they're all reunited as a family. They trust and hope in that promise, and so do I. It's what allowed Jerry to live his life to the full, even though it wasn't nearly long enough (in my opinion).
So, today I am reminded that our lives in this place are varied, and wonderful, and they are hard and difficult. There is joy and there is sorrow. But whatever comes, however many years we have, we are reminded that this world is not our home. My two friends Lilllian and Jerry are two of the newest residents of our true home that awaits us in heaven. I'm sure they're having a wonderful time already. And I too will have to wait patiently until I get to see them both again. But I will praise Jesus for that promise offered to me, and to you.
Pastor Bill
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