Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Greetings and Salutations

Hi all,

So, I've decided to join the blogosphere. I admit it's with a little fear and trepidation as there seem to be a fair number of really great blogs already out there (my wife's being one of them) and way too many lame ones. I really don't want to be in the second category. But I thought this might be a great way of keeping up with a lot of you, particularly over the summer months when we seem to scatter to the four winds. Some times I'll write about Church stuff. Sometimes it may be more personal thoughts. Sometimes it'll just be a random movie review. But I hope that it's always at least a little bit entertaining. And in all of it, I hope we model the kind of conversation and life that points towards the Savior of the world. Jesus is such an amazing guy. He's absolutely changed my life. If you haven't really had the chance to get to know Him yourself, I truly hope and pray that you do. And that this little blog might encourage you in that journey as well.

Btw, do you know which Movie influenced this Blog Title? Bonus points if fyou can name the two lead actors.


  1. The Heathers.....Christian Slater....and I can't remember the girls....although I should. We just recently saw this movie and it was terrible. Cassie's friend was here and Bill couldn't remember what it was about. We started it and I was mortified we were watching such a warped show with two teenagers. They were both a little freaked out.....ugh!

  2. I think it's Demolition Man, Stallone and Snipes.

  3. The Heathers is right, and Christian Slater is right. The Actress used to be famous, but hasn't had a hit in awhile.
    Although I really like the idea of Stallone and Snipes doing a new version of Heathers.

  4. I probably shouldn't have said the movie was terrible as it was an interesting story. It was more that I had a friend of Cassies over and thought I can just imagine her having a conversation with her mother about the movie she just watched at the Jones house......"ouch". I am still trying to remember the name of the's driving me crazy because I know, I know it........

  5. Winona Ryder was the female lead, and Shannen Doherty was one of the Heathers. Don't remember who played the other two Heathers.
